Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association (PNWFSA)

PNWFSR is a 501(c)(3) organization (Tax Id # 02-0552421)
Your gift is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
Please consult your tax advisor regarding specific questions about your tax deductions.

Donations go to one of six funds.. 
  • Grant Fund - the donations go to financially support other 501(c)(3) organizations that work to improve our forest resources or provide educational opportunities about those resources - or both. More information.
  • Elmer Moyer Emergency Fund - the donations financially support Forest Service employees, retirees or others that have suffered from catastrophic events such as fire, flood, theft, etc.  More information    
  • Scholarship Fund - a new fund intended to provide financial assistance for college or trade school to deserving students. More information.
  • Newsletter Fund - the donations are used to help offset the cost of printing and mailing newsletters.
  • General Fund - the donations are used to support the Old Smokeys ongoing programs. 
  • 1905 Fund - the donations are used to reimburse Old Smokeys for their contribution to the National Museum of Forest Service History.
  • Former USFS Employees Assistance Fund - the donations are to support fired employees.                                                                        

There are two ways to donate..

  • Pay online using the form below

  • Write a check (made out to PNWFSA) and mail to PNWFSA, PO Box 5583, Portland, OR 97228-5583. Be sure to write which fund(s) are to receive the donation - as well as in memory or honor of - on the check or on separate instructions.

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Individual Information

*First name
*Preferred 1st Name
This is used for the directory first name
Middle Initial
Include the period - such as "A."
*Last name
Cell Phone
xxx-xxx-xxxx. If outside the USA, prefix the country code. If a private number, leave blank.

Home Information

Land Line Phone
xxx-xxx-xxxx. If outside the USA, prefix the country code.
Home Address 1
USPS does not like periods. Examples would be "Streetname Dr" - not "Dr." - or "PO Box xxxx" - not "P.O."
Home Address 2
USPS does not like periods. Examples would be "Streetname Dr" - not "Dr." - or "PO Box xxxx" - not "P.O."
Home City
Home Postal Code
Use 7 digit or 10 digit zip codes such as zzzzzzz or zzzzzzz-zzzz.
Foreign countries, use their standard postal codes.
*Amount ($USD)
Choose the Fund for your donation:
In memory of
In honor of
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