Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association (PNWFSA)



The Pacific Northwest Forest Service Association (PNWFSA) Grants Committee has closed the 2024-2025 grant cycle for projects that will further PNWFSA goals within the Pacific Northwest Region. The grant monies will be dispersed in 2024 when the application and review process is completed.

The PNWFSA invites applications from private, nonprofit, research, or non-governmental organizations; programs or offices within the US Forest Service are not eligible to apply.  There will be $2,500 available in this funding cycle. 

An overview of grants awarded in most recent years can be found by clicking on the links below and should serve to illustrate the range of projects approved to date.

2023 Awards (coming soon) 2022 Awards  2021 Awards    2020 Awards    2019 Awards    2018 Awards
2017 Awards   
2016 Awards    2015 Awards
2014 Awards

Since the inception of the Grants Program in 2011, the Old Smokeys have awarded over $97,000 to projects.  Keep an eye on this website as summary project accomplishments, accompanied with photos where appropriate, will be added as we continue to complete the story of these valuable project efforts. Please consider a donation to the Grant Fund to help fund these important projects into the future.

Project Selection Criteria

Grants are awarded to organizations that satisfy the donation policy adopted by the PNWFSA Board of Directors on February 27, 2009. This policy specifies, “Grants or gift proposals will be judged according to the following criteria:

  • Does it further the Old Smokeys mission?
  • Will the project have a lasting influence on national forest management, natural resource management, and help sell the public on the importance of these resources?
  • Will it reach large numbers of people?
  • Can Old Smokeys funds be leveraged with other funds?
  • Will a restoration or improvement project help sustain our Forest Service legacy?
  • Will the PNWFSA receive visible and lasting credit for participation?
  • Is it a project that ‘feels good’ to us and reminds us of why we chose to throw in with the Outfit for our careers?”

Not all of these questions will apply to every proposal, but running through this checklist should help the PNWFSA get the greatest return for its investment. Applications for grants, therefore, should reflect these policy specifications and criteria.

How to Apply

Grant applicants must submit a letter that outlines the proposed project and enumerates how its accomplishment would satisfy the above criteria.

Additionally, for grant requests supporting a U.S. Forest Service project, a statement of support for and commitment to the project signed by the cognizant line officer (e.g., forest supervisor, district ranger or research program manager) must be submitted with the application.

Due Date for 2024-2025 Proposals

Grant applications should be submitted electronically to the Grants Committee via no later than September 30, 2024. 


Approved projects will be required to submit an annual report by December 31, 2025 via the above listed Grant Committee mailbox.  Reports should be brief, demonstrating the project accomplishment, including appropriate pictures.  These reports will be linked to the Old Smokeys Grant website and be used in our quarterly newsletters.  


Questions and comments regarding the Grants Program and/or the application process are welcome any time via

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